Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Request Dance Crew in New Zeland

Interview with Parris Goebel of Request in their dance studio in New Zealand.

Request Dance Crew from New Zealand

Request are extremely strong dancers and are great at many styles. I can't wait to see what they do on the ABDC stage!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ivan Koumaev

One of my favorite dancers Ivan Koumaev. I first started becoming interested in dance in the summer of 2006, when I saw him perform on SYTYCD Season 2. Ever since then I've been a huge dance fan and I even started taking dance classes in the fall of 2007.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Floor Royalty Crew NYC

They are an up and coming bboy crew from NYC. In this video they are breaking in front of the Brooklyn Museum of Art. A lot of talent and natural creativity in this video. The conversation in the beginning of the video is an ode to the legendary Frosty Freeze lol. Frosty Freeze has a video where he is a teenager and saying those exact words, so Floor Royalty Crew wanted to give him a shout-out. They are young and this is how great breaking crews get started. Floor Royalty Crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

DJ Lean Rock

DJ Lean Rock of the Boston bboy crew Floorlords. He's a strong, dynamic bboy and a great DJ as well. Here he is repping his Puerto Rican pride. Hopefully I'll get to see him bboy in person sometime soon.

JabbaWockeeZ on The George Lopez Show

This is one of my all time favorite performances from the JabbaWockeeZ. I loved all of the waving sections and the housing part. Great performance! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Phunk Phenomenon

Phunk Phenomenon at a competition in Boston. I had to watch this video twice to get all of the subtle details Phunk Phenomenon places into their choreography. I noticed that Phunk Phenomenon is really theatrical and puts on a performance. Many times in their choreography they are acting out the lyrics in their movements. They also carefully place their levels and choreography to emphasis the different beats and melodies in the music. Phunk Phenomenon is known for their energy, so I hope they will be able to deliver creative and diverse choreography on the show to grab everyone's attention from week to week. They appear to be trained in many styles, so I'm hoping they will mix up their choreography on the show and never be repetitive. I'm interested in seeing how well they will do this season on ABDC and I wish them luck!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Instant Noodles Performance

Instant Noodles are extremely talented dancers and definitely know how to perform for a crowd. I think they will be the first bboy crew to link bboying with an artistic well done choreo set. They are definitely going to be fierce competitors during Season 6 on America's Best Dance Crew.

Geo of Instant Noodles

Here is Geo of Instant Noodles with Do Knock of SuperCr3w and RocSick of Battle Monekys. Geo displays his top rocking/housing/choreo skills to a remix/house version of the song Hold it Down. The video is filmed really well and I like the late afternoon sun at the end when they dance on top of the building with the palm trees in the background. The architecture definitely enhances the quality of the video and I like how the video is all about top rocking.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bgirl Jeskilz of Rock Steady Crew

Bgirl Jeskilz of Rock Steady Crew displaying her creative and dynamic breaking skills. She is from France, but moved to NYC when she was 18 when she discovered breaking. She is my favorite bgirl and I saw her on the set of Step Up 3D. She is in the final battle scene in the movie and she even has a close up. She has dynamic footwork and can do power moves. She has a great foundation in bboying because she was taught by legendary bboy Alien ness from Zulu Kings and of course her own crew Rock Steady Crew. If we could have a girl in Red Bull BC One one day, I would want her to be in it.

Bboy Kolobok Ukraine vs. Bboy Wing of Korea

Bboy Kolobok displays extremely creative footwork with his smooth flow as he weaves in and out of his movements on the floor. Bboy Wing displays his strength in his dynamic power moves and shows his creative side. Both bboys display strength and agility and are experts at what they do. This is a really good battle.  

Bboy Kolobok of the Ukraine

Bboy Kolobok of the Ukraine doing down rocks also known as footwork to the bboy song Rock Creek Park. Simple movements, but done creatively and he covers the entire floor very smoothly and dynamically. He never skimps on the foundations of breaking. He always does a perfect top rock to the beat and is a pro at footwork, while adding his own creative flare. If someone asked me who are the top 5 most creative bboys, Kolobok would be on my list.  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Introducing Chachi from I.AM.ME Dance Crew

Moon interviewing Chachi about what made her start dancing and what dancing means to her today.

Bboy Neguin

Bboy Neguin bboying in NYC and speaking Portuguesse. He has a dynamic spirit and his innate energy and will is what makes him a phenomenal bboy. He reminds me of those that originated bboying in the South Bronx and Upper Manhattan in the 1970's and 1980's. He's from Brazil, but really has a NYC soul and flavor.

Bboy Neguin From Brazil BC One 2010 Champion

Great at TopRocking, full of energy, can do capoeira, has creative footwork and dynamic power moves. That equals up to why Neguin won BC One 2010 in Tokyo.
He reminds me of Bboy Legacy and Luigi. I have seen Legacy and Luigi bboy in person and it was phenonmenal. Legacy, Luigi, and Neguin all go in and out of moves so easily like a spinning toy on the floor. Not that many bboys can do this, it's a unique style, but Luigi, Legacy, and Neguin can all do this. They all have this capoeira like style where they flow in and out of their movements very easily while being on the floor. I have to see Bbboy Neguin bboy in person now! It also makes me want Legacy and Luigi to win BC One one day, hope they do!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heroic Workers at the Daiichi Power Plant in Japan Race Against Time

The 180 workers at the Daiichi nuclear power plant are diligently and heroically working to prevent a nuclear disaster. Radioactive smoke is spewing from the nuclear reactors and these workers are trying to prevent a full meltdown at the plant that could throw thousands of radioactive dust high into the air, which can imperil the lives of those living in Japan as well as the 7 billion people in the world.  They are trying to cool dangerously exposed nuclear fuel that is already partially melting and spewing radioactive material in order to prevent a full meltdown. Helicopters have been sent to the area to spray water and fuelents that will hopefully cool the reactors and end the fire. The workers are currently being exposed to five times the maximum exposure of radiation permitted for nuclear plant workers. The site is now so contaminated with radiation that it has become difficult for employees to work near the reactors for extended periods of time. One worker can only work for minutes at a time before passing off the job to the next worker. They are currently working in the dark with only flashlights to guide them through a maze of equipment in order to fix the nuclear reactors, while carrying oxygen tanks on their backs. They are also struggling to keep hundreds of gallons of seawater flowing per minute through temporary fire pumps into 3 stricken reactors. One of the containment vessels surrounding one of the reactors may have ruptured. According to the Tokyo Electrical Power Company these workers have suffered greatly. 5 of the plant workers have died since the earthquake. 22 have been injured. One worker was hospitalized after suddenly grasping his chest and finding himself unable to stand. Another worker needed treatment after receiving a blast of radiation near a damaged reactor. 11 workers were injured in a hydrogen explosion at the thrid reactor. These employees are loyal and extremely dedicated to their jobs. The nuclear reactor operators say that their profession is typified by the same kind of esprit de corps found among firefighters and the military. The Japanese are raised to believe that indivduals sacrifice for the good of the group. These 180 workers at the Daiichi nuclear power plant are 100% heroes. Hopefully more global help will come in order to end this nuclear disaster and to prevent it from becoming worse. According to, a low concentration of radioactive particles will reach California on Friday March 18 and will spread eastward over the United States and then over the Atlantic Ocean and into Europe in the coming days.

My First Post In My New Blog!

Hello everyone! This is my first post in my new blog. Happy St. Patrick's Day!! I'm going to eat cornbeef, cabbage, and potatoes with my family for dinner to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. My grandma is Irish and her family came to the United States from County Galway Ireland. I've never been to Ireland, also known as the Emerald Isle, but I should go one day. I'm Irish, English, and Belgian from my dad and Tongan from my mom. Tonga is a Polynesian Island in the South Pacific. Right now it's warm outside with bright sunshine. In my blog I will post about global events, sometimes my personal life and my thoughts and feelings, and most importantly dance videos from youtube and other videos that I find compelling and funny. Thank you for reading my blog!!